4747 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 103 Hollywood, FL 33021
2151 E Commercial Blvd. Suite #301
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Phone: (954) 565-0229
MON, WED, THURS, FRI, SAT 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
TUES 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
4747 Hollywood Blvd. Suite #101
Hollywood, FL 33021
Phone: (954) 963-2229
Monday: 11:00am- 7:00pm
Tuesday-Saturday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Office in the Park
7385 SW 87th Avenue
Suite #300
Miami, Florida 33173
Phone: (305) 273-8507
MON,TUES, WED, FRI, SAT 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
THURS 11:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Keep in touch and receive the latest news from the Archdiocese of Miami Respect Life Ministry!
If you would like to get involved in Respect Life Ministry at your local church, please see the below list of Catholic Parishes in the Archdiocese of Miami to contact the Respect Life Parish Representative:
All Saints- Sunrise
Linda Langley: lindalangley@bellsouth.net
Annunciation Church- West Park
Myrna Macatangay: yestruehealth@gmail.com
Assumption- Lauderdale-by-the-Sea
Lillian Crosby: myangel1110@yahoo.com
Blessed Trinity- Miami Springs
Adriana Sosa: adriana_sosa@plastecusa.com; call or text 786.493.3067
Church of the Little Flower- Coral Gables
JC Toyos: cubasjc@bellsouth.net or text 305.525.6514
Corpus Christi
Daniel Alayo-Matos: daniel.alayo@outlook.com
Gladys Penin: gbpenin@aol.com
Lilia Bandrich/Basinger: liliband8@gmail.com
Good Shepherd- Miami
Mary Jo O'Sullivan: mosullivan@med.miami.edu or text 305.987.5904
Holy Redeemer
Jeanette Tullis: jytullis07@gmail.com; call or text 305.812.4916
Holy Rosary/ St. Richard- Palmetto Bay
Joan Smith: joanie03rozum@aol.com; call or text 786.525.6466
Little Flower- Hollywood
Karen Kermis: karenkermis@hotmail.com
Mary Help of Christians
Giovanna Basso: giovi.basso@gmail.com
Nativity- Hollywood
Mary Vrancik: maryvrancik@gmail.com
Gloria Bravo: ilovelabellavita@gmail.com - Se habla Español
Our Lady of Lourdes- Miami
Patricia Perez: zamperz@bellsouth.net
Our Lady of Mercy
Michael Rand: mrand717@gmail.com
Our Lady of the Lakes
Martha Quintero: me.quintero@yahoo.com
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Barbara Moorman: barbara@carrollsjewelers.com
Prince of Peace
Teresa & Larry Rubio: lmtrubio@bellsouth.net
Sacred Heart
Sharon Slosar: sslosar@bellsouth.net
San Isidro- Pompano Beach
Edwar Aguilera: sipbrespectlife@gmail.com or text 561.562.0422
San Pedro- Key Largo
Linda Rumpf: lar0902@aol.com or text 305.853.6600
St. Agatha
Angie Morales: angiembless@yahoo.com
St. Agnes
Patricia Hernandez: misspoti@yahoo.com
St. Ambrose- Deerfield Beach
Carol Foster: carol1foster12@gmail.com
St. Andrew- Coral Springs
Anna Rocco: anniesrocco@yahoo.com ; call or text 954.270.7972
St. Augustine Church & Catholic Student Center- Coral Gables
Silvia Mendive: silvimendive@gmail.com or text 305.495.0245
St. Bartholomew
Gabriela Cejnarova: g.cejnarova@gmail.com; call or text 754-204-6791
St. Benedict
Mirta Blanco: mirtapblanco11@comcast.net
St. Bernadette
Marta Patricia Garcia: Mpg4rl@gmail.com or text 954.980.8844
St. Bernard
Lucy Soriano: Ludaya.mama@gmail.com
St. Bonaventure
Joseph Ternues: respectlifestb@aol.com
St. Boniface- Pembroke Pines
Lorena Mayen: lmcristovivo@yahoo.com
St. Brendan- Miami
Maria Peinado: mpeinado2@yahoo.com; call or text 786.271.4412
St. Catherine of Sienna- Miami
Melba Enriquez: menriquez38@gmail.com
St. Coleman- Fort Lauderdale
Mechelle Boyle: mboyle@stcoleman.org
St. David
Angela Curatalo: acuratalo@theadom.org
St. Edward
Libby Johnson: libbyslabel1@yahoo.com
Yolanda Ochoa: ygochoa@aol.com
St. Elizabeth A Seton
Millie Henningson: m.henningson@yahoo.com
St. Gregory the Great- Plantation
Martha Betancourt: mbetancourt@saintgreg.org or text 954.804.3201
St. Henry- Pompano Beach
Lauretta Brennen & Rebecca Kutner: amy@sainthenrys.org or call 954.785.2450
St. Hugh- Miami
Elena Maribona: emesquerre@gmail.com or text 305.582.8582
St. James
Manoucheka Remogene: remogene@gmail.com
St. John Neumann
Kathy Wiesssinger: mightymouse1953_4@hotmail.com; Call or text 786.879.1278
St. John the Apostle
Olga Montgomery: luya47@aol.com
St. John the Baptist
Joyce Rose: joycecarol362@gmail.com
St. John XXIII
Luisa Alonso: luisa.f.alonso@gmail.com
Cecilia and Ramon Caba: ceciliacaba1@hotmail.com
St. Joseph
Cheryl Hodowud: cheryleh1@outlook.com
St. Katherine Drexel- Weston
Victoria Wamba: wambavictoria@gmail.com
Beatriz Capdeville: biachycap@yahoo.com; Call or text 954.682.2592
St. Kevin
Jose/Diana Espinal: dianapsalm23@comcast.net
St. Kieran
Lilia Bandrich: liliband8@gmail.com
Luciann Niebler-Spare: lnieblerspare@outlook.com
St. Louis
Maria Wadsworth: mawinfla@comcast.net
St. Mark
Josefina San Martin: chicuven@gmail.com
St. Martha
Reinaldo Trujillo: MLTREYN@gmail.com
Mary Lou Tujillo: mltfatjo@gmail.com
St. Mary's Cathedral
Judith Hurcules Daphinis: petitsoeur@yahoo.com
St. Matthew
Eva Hart: evamkhrt@aol.com
St. Maximillian Kolbe
Mary LoPreto: mlopreto308@gmail.com
St. Monica
Cindy Vila-Valdes: cyndivilavaldes@gmail.com
St. Patrick
Debbie DeLeon: dimdeleon@gmail.com
St. Paul the Apostle- Lighthouse Point
Darlene Ludwick: dludwick66@gmail.com
St. Peter the Fisherman
Connie: connie@stpeterbpk.org
St. Pius X- Fort Lauderdale
Betty Metzger: Betty_Metzger@att.net or call 954.566.1946
St. Raymond- Miami
Madelyn Ocasio: madelyn.ocasio@att.net or text 305.505.1323
St. Rose of Lima
Yelva Berry: yelvaberry@gmail.com
St. Sebastian
Carole Duksta: cduksta@yahoo.com
St. Stephen
Lorena Robles Zumudio: clzrobles@yahoo.com
St. Thomas the Apostle
Mayra Finale: ro2ma2@comcast.net
St. Timothy
Jorge/Eva Gonzalez: jorgedadof8@yahoo.com
Sts. Peter & Paul- Miami
Eduardo Serer: eduardoserer@bellsouth.net; call or text 305.282.5189
Respect Life Ministry
4747 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 103 Hollywood, FL 33021
Copyright © 2025 Respect Life Miami - All Rights Reserved.