What is Project Rachel?
It is the initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) that was created in 1975, two years after abortion was declared legal in the country. Project Rachel is the name given to diocesan or archdiocesan post-abortion healing ministry. Project Rachel operates through the Respect Life Office in the Archdiocese of Miami as a network of lay volunteers, priests, deacons, and volunteer licensed mental health professionals who provide spiritual and psychological support for those who are suffering from an abortion experience.
The name “Project Rachel” was inspired by scripture, “Rachel mourns her children: she refuses to be consoled because her children are no more. Thus says the Lord: ‘Cease your cries of mourning…wipe the tears from your eyes. The sorrow you have shown shall have its reward. There is hope for your future.’” (Jeremiah 31:15-17.)
In the Archdiocese of Miami, the Project Rachel program is called Entering Canaan:
Entering Canaan is a ministry where women and men are accompanied on their path of healing, and forgiveness of abortion, understanding that healing is achieved through Christ.
The ministry was created in 1996 by Theresa Bonapartis in collaboration with the Sisters of Life. This program is used in 19 Dioceses around the country.
Why Entering Canaan? Like the Israelites who traveled for forty years through the desert before reaching the Promised Land (Canaan), People who have experienced abortion are "wandering in the desert" burdened with the suffering of guilt, despair, shame, pain, confusion, isolation for many years before reaching his healing.
Where to begin the journey of healing?
The person who is interest in beginning the healing journey should call or email our Dedicated and confidential phone line (954-981-2984 or 888-456-4673) or email ProjectRachel@theadom.org .
Once you contact us, we are available to meet with women/men individually in person or over the phone as they walk through the journey of healing.
Entering Cannan offer one day retreats called Day of Prayer and Healing, monthly gatherings, and hope and Healing weekend retreats. These events are a wonderful opportunity to experience the love, mercy, forgiveness of God in a safe, private, and confidential place.
The retreats are directed by priest, trained volunteers, mental health professionals who have a sensitivity and heart for those who suffer an abortion. The retreats and monthly gatherings include testimony of mercy, scripture sharing, prayer, opportunity for sacramental confession, and Holy Mass.
The goals for the participants in Entering Canaan are:
Develop personal relationship with Jesus Christ or renew it.
Be able to observe the experience of abortion with honesty to achieve true healing.
Develop an understanding of the impact of abortion on their life.
Develop a personal relationship with their children lost through abortion.
Regardless of how much time you need for your healing, regardless of the battles fought, won or lost, Here you will always have in this Ministry a place to be safe and a community of people who understand you, where you can turn in times of need, to be helped with patience, compassion and lot of love.
LOCAL (954) 981-2984
TOLL FREE (888) 456-4673
"The Church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your decision, and she does not doubt that in many cases it was a painful and even shattering decision. The wound in your heart may not yet have healed. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. But do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance. The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and his peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. To the same Father and his mercy you can with sure hope entrust your child. With the friendly and expert help and advice of other people, and as a result of your own painful experience, you can be among the most eloquent defenders of everyone's right to life. Through your commitment to life, whether by accepting the birth of other children or by welcoming and caring for those most in need of someone to be close to them, you will become promoters of a new way of looking at human life."
Respect Life Ministry
4747 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 103 Hollywood, FL 33021
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